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Friday, November 12, 2010

article logoWindows Seven themes Create yourself

Every time we use Windows Defaults or third party theme pack download via internet. Only too much little people use their own theme on windows. Because there were no tools or options to create a theme in windows 98, 2000, ME, XP or vista. But now on Windows 7 break those all law of windows. Here you can create a theme and use it on your own pc and also share it with your friends and others. To create theme in Windows 7, there is no need any experience. I'll see you here how the procedure....

>> Suppose, You have a theme installed on your PC. Now Right click on desktop and go Personalize.
Starting for top left side. At first click on ‘Change Desktop Icons’.

>>Now click on these icon which you want to change and click change icon. Select your desire icon and click OK. If you not find any likeable Icon in your System then download from internet. There have a lots. Put tick mark on 'Allow themes to change desktop icons'. The press Apply and Ok.